How to connect Meta Pixel to your website

Siter can send events and tracking information to Facebook related to your website project through Meta Pixel

Meta pixel is a powerful tool to help you get the most out of your Facebook advertising. With Meta Pixel, you can track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads for conversions, drive more sales, analyze visitors' information for future ads, and advertise to visitors who have taken similar or repeated actions on your website. The Meta Pixel can also be used to track the behavior of previous website visitors' browser events after you have advertised to them.

Meta Pixel follows visitors as they engage with your website on and off Facebook by setting and activating cookies. Meta Pixels are very common, especially in commercial and advertising applications.

To connect your Meta Pixel to your Siter website project, you must have a Facebook advertiser account and a Meta Pixel setup on your account. 

To proceed, you need to copy your Meta Pixel ID from Facebook. You can follow this guide if you are unsure where to find your Meta Pixel ID. 

Note: It is recommended to verify your domain on Facebook before connecting your Meta Pixel to your Siter website. 

Next, inside your Siter website project, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Analytics menu link in the left menu panel.

Afterward, paste your Meta Pixel ID inside the Facebook Pixel input field and click on the Save Changes button.

A notification will slide in at the upper right corner of the screen confirming your changes. 

Once you've connected your Meta Pixel ID to your Siter website project, Siter will send data to your Meta Business Manager and populate different information about visitors. If you do not see any information on your Meta Business Manager, check if you copied the correct Meta Pixel ID. 

If you got the correct Meta Pixel ID but still did not receive any information on your Meta Business Manager after some time. In that case, you can either check the Meta Business Help Center guide or contact our support for troubleshooting.

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