How to Export and Erase Account Data

Siter stores your profile metadata from its database. You can export and erase your personal account's data on the Profile page. 

Export Personal Data

When you request an export of your personal data, Siter packages your user data in Comma-separated values or CSV format and allows you to download the file to your local computer. 

To export your account’s personal data, click on the dropdown menu next to your avatar in the upper right corner of the screen and click on the Profile link.

Under the Account page, click on the Privacy menu link in the left menu panel.

Select Export Personal data and click on the Make Request button to request an export of your personal data.

Afterward, a modal window will pop up confirming your request. Enter your account password on the password input field and click on the Export button. Otherwise, click on the Cancel button to cancel the request. 

Siter will package your personal data in CSV format under the user.csv filename and will automatically download it to your local computer. 

Note: Conventionally, you must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer to view a CSV file. If your operating system cannot natively open CSV files, you can use an online third-party tool to view the CSV file as an alternative.

Erase Personal Data

Siter automatically cancels subscriptions when erasing or deleting an account. It is recommended to download your account's personal data and other resources, including files and invoices, so you have your own copy for backup and accounting purposes. If you want to keep your current website projects, it is recommended to transfer the ownership to another user before erasing your account's personal data. 

Once you erase your account's personal data, you can no longer log in to your account, and you will lose access to any of your website projects associated with your account. This process can not be reversed.

Additionally, you will no longer be charged for any of your previous paid subscription plans. 

To erase your account’s personal data, click on the dropdown menu next to your avatar in the upper right corner of the screen and click on the Profile link.

Under the Account page, click on the Privacy menu link in the left menu panel.

To permanently erase personal data, select Erase Personal data and click on the Make Request button.

Next, a modal window will pop up confirming your request. Enter your Siter account password on the password input field and click on the Delete Account button. Otherwise, click on the Cancel button to cancel the action. 

Siter will automatically delete your account and redirect you to the login/sign-up page. 

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